Image: Lehrstuhl für SozialpsychologiePublications since 2021
- Hechler, S, Funk, F, Kessler, T (2023). Not revenge, but change is sweet: Experimental evidence of how offender change and punishment play independent roles in victims' sense of justice. British journal of social psychology. 62:1013–1035.
- Elad-Strenger, J, Tagar, M. R., Kessler, T, Hasson, Y, Shulman, D, Brahms, K, (2022)...Out of sight, out of mind: The emotional determinant of “harmful inaction” intergroup conflict. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 101, 104304
- Uysal, M. S., Hoerst, C., Stathi, S., & Kessler, T. (2023). Populism predicts sympathy for attacks against asylum seekers through national pride and moral justification of political violence. Social Psychological and Personality Science. link
- Elad-Strenger, J, Kessler, T. (2022). Psychological and actual group formation: Conflict is neither necessary nor sufficient. Behavioral & Brain Sciences 45.
- Celikkol, G, Renvik, T. A, Sortheix, F. M, Jasinskaja-Lahti, I, Jetten, J, A , Ariyanto, J (2022). Individual, group, and temporal perspectives on the link between wealth and realistic threat. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 3, 100054
- Fiagbenu, M. E., Proch, J., & Kessler, T. (2021). Stimulus sampling and other recommendations for assessing domain-general processes of attitude formation through exploration: Reply to Ruisch, Shook, and Fazio (2020). British Journal of Psychology. 112(1), 362-365. link
- Fiagbenu, M. E., Proch, J., & Kessler, T. (2021). Of deadly beans and risky stocks: Political ideology and attitude formation via exploration depends on the nature of the attitude stimuli. 112(1), British Journal of Psychology. 112(1), 342-357. link
- Shadaydeh, M.; Muller, L.; Schneider, D.; Thummel, M.; Kessler, T.; Denzler, J. (2021). Analyzing the direction of emotional influence in nonverbal dyadic communication: A facial-expression study. IEEE Access, 9, 73780–73790.
2015 bis 2020
- Fiagbenu, M., Proch, J. & Kessler, T. (2020). Stimulus sampling and other recommendations for assessing domain‐general processes of attitude formation through exploration: Reply to Ruisch, Shook, and Fazio (2020). British Journal of Psychology.
- Shulmann, D., Halperin, E., Kessler, T., Schori-Eyal, N., & Reifen Tagar, M. (2020). Exposure to Analogous Harmdoing Increases Acknowledgment of Ingroup Transgressions in Intergroup Conflicts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46, 1649-1664.
- Urschler, D.F. (2020). Voruteile im Wandel der Zeit. The Inquisitive Mind.
- Hechler, S., & Kessler, T. (2020). Warum “Wir” besser sind als „Die“ - Wie das Selbst die Bewertung sozialer Gruppen bestimmt. The Inquisitive Mind.
- Proch, J., Elad-Strenger, J. & Kessler, T. (2019). Liberalism and conservatism, for a change!: Rethinking the association between political orientation and relation to societal change. Political Psychology, 40, 877-903. link
- Lindner, C., Piel, C. & Kessler, T. (2019). Gemeinsamkeit erleben – Wertschätzung erfahren Teilhabe durch Etablierung gemeinsamer Gruppenaktivitäten für ältere Menschen. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, 14, 47–52.
- Toader, A., Cantner, U., & Kessler, T. (2019). The Effect of Team Mental Models Divergence on Creative Performance During Situational Changes. Creativity Research Journal, 31, 40-51.Elad-Strenger, J., Proch, J. & Kessler, T. (2019). Is disgust a conservative emotion? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46, 896-912.
- Fiagbenu, M., Proch, J. & Kessler, T. (2019). Of Deadly Beans and risky stocks: Political ideology and attitude formation via exploration depends on the nature of the attitude stimuli. British Journal of Psychology.
- Sprong, S., Jetten, J., Wang, Z., Peters, K., Mols, F., Verkuyten, M., Bastian, B., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., Gómez, A., González, R., Hong, Y. Y., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Jensen, D., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Lima, M., Renvik, T. A., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya, T., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Sharma, Smeekes, A. N., S., Teymoori, A., Torres, A. R., van der Bles, A. M., & Wohl, M.J.A. (2019). “Our Country Needs a Strong Leader Right Now”: Economic Inequality Enhances the Wish for a Strong Leader. Psychological Science, 30, 1625-1637.
- Anjum, G., Kessler, T., & Aziz, M. (2019). Cross-Cultural Exploration of Honor: Perception of Honor in Germany, Pakistan, and South Korea. Psychological Studies, 64, 147-160.
- Schneider, D., Klimecki, O., Burgmer, P. & Kessler, T. (2019). Social Cognition. In V. Zeigler-Hill, T. K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer, Cham
- Urschler, D. F., Heinrich, H., Hechler, S., Fischer, P., & Kessler, T. (2019). They higher the go the harder they could fall -The impact of risk promoting media content on risky behavior. PlosOne.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225884External link
- Urschler, D.F. & Fischer, P. (2019). “Bystander Intervention.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology.
Ed. Beth M. Huebner. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/obo/9780195396607-0258
- Kessler, T., & Fritsche, I. (2018). Sozialpsychologie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Toader, A. F., & Kessler, T., (2018). Enhancing team learning transfer: Task variation and mental models divergence. Small Group Research, 1-31.
- Toader, A. F., & Kessler, T., (2018). Team mental models, goal orientations, and information elaboration determining creative performance. Creativity Research Journal.
- Smith, H., Ryan, D. A., Jaurique, A., Pettigrew, T. F., Jetten, J., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., Gomez, A., Gonzalez, R., Hong, Y.Y., Jenseni, D., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Lima, M., Renvik, T.A., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., & Polya, T. (2018). Cultural values moderate the impact of relative deprivation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1-36.
- Smeekes, A. N., Jetten, J., Verkuyten, M., Wohl, M.J.A., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., Gómez, A., González, R., Hong, Y. Y., Jensen, D., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Lima, M., Renvik, T. A., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya, T., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Sharma, S., Teymoori, A., Torres, A. R., & van der Bles, A. M. (2018). Regaining in-group continuity in times of anxiety about the group’s future: A study on the role of collective nostalgia across 27 countries. Social Psychology.
- Jäger, F. & Dieckmann, J. (2018): Wenn sich die gesellschaftliche Normalität verschiebt: Über das Zusammenspiel zwischen Normen, Vorurteilen und Diskriminierung. In: Wissen schafft Demokratie, 3, 86-97. Doi: 10.19222/201803/09
- Hechler, S., & Kessler, T. (2018). On the difference between moral outrage and empathic anger: Anger about wrongful deeds or harmful consequences. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 270-282. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2018.03.005
- Kessler, T. & Obst, K. (2017). Kooperation und Wettbewerb in sozialen Dilemmas. In Bierhoff, H. W. & Frey, D (Eds.), Enzyklopädie Sozialpsychologie.
- Hechler, S., Neyer, F. J., & Kessler T. (2016). The infamous among us: Enhanced reputational memory for uncooperative ingroup members. Cognition, 157, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2016.08.001 [LinkExternal link]
- Onu, D., Kessler, T., & Smith, J. (2016). Admiration: A conceptual review. Emotion Review.
- Onu, D., Kessler, T., Smith, J. R., Andnovskia-Trajkovska, & Fritsche, I. (2016). Inspired by the outgroup: A social identity analysis of intergroup admiration. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
- Pensini P., Horn E., & Caltabiano N. J. (2016). An Exploration of the Relationships between Adults' Childhood and Current Nature Exposure and Their Mental Well-Being. Children, Youth and Environments, 26, 125-147.
- Reese, G (2016). Common human identity and the path to global climate justice. Climatic Change, 134, 521- 531. doi: 10.1007/s10584-015-1548-2.
- Reese, G., Berthold, A., & Steffens, M. C. (2016). As high as it gets: Ingroup projection processes in the superordinate group humans. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 50, 39-49.
- Rosenmann, A., Reese, G., & Cameron, J. C. (2016). Social identities in a globalized world: Challenges and opportunities for collective action. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11, 202-21. doi: 10.1177/1745691615621272.
- Seewald, D., Hechler, S., & Kessler, T. (2016). Divorcing the puzzles. When group identities foster in-group cooperation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
- Teymori, A., Jetten, J. Bastian, B., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L., Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L, Gollwitzer, M., Gómez, A., González, R., Hong, Y. Y., Jensen, D. H., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Lima, M., Mähönen, T. A., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya, T., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Sharma, S., Torres, A. R., van der Bles, A. M., & Wohl, M. (2016). Revisiting the Measurement of Anomie. PLoS ONE, 11, e0158370. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158370
- Hamann, K., Reese, G., Seewald, D., & Loeschinger, D. C. (2015). Affixing the theory of normative conduct (to your mailbox): Injunctive and Descriptive Norms as Predictors of Anti-Ads Sticker Use. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 44, 1-9.
- Harth, N. S., & Shnabel, N. (2015). Third-party intervention in intergroup reconciliation: The role of neutrality and common identity with the other conflict party. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
- Kessler, T., Proch, J., Hechler, S. & Nägler, L. A. (2015). Political diversity versus stimuli diversity: Alternative ways to improve social psychological science. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, e148. doi:10.1017/S0140525X14001241
- Onu, D., Smith, J. R., & Kessler, T. (2015). Intergroup emulation: An improvement strategy for lower status groups. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 18, 210-224.
- Reese, G., Proch, J., & Finn, C. (2015). Identification with all humanity: The role of self-definition and self-investment. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 426-440.
- Reese, G. & Jacob, L. (2015). Principles of Environmental Justice and Pro-Environmental Action: A Two-Step Process Model of Moral Anger and Responsibility to Act. Environmental Science & Policy, 51, 88-94.
- Reese, G. & Kohlmann, F. (2015). Feeling global, acting ethically: Global identification and Fairtrade consumption. The Journal of Social Psychology, 155, 98-106.
- Reese, G., Fritsche, I., Wiersbinski, N., Mues, A., & Roempke, A.-K. (2015). Psychologie in der Naturschutzkommunikation - Einblicke in die aktuelle Forschung und Praxis (Hrsg.). BfN-Skripten, 423.
- Steffgen, G., Kohl, D., Reese, G., Happ, C., & Sischka, P. (2015). Quality of Work: Validation of a New Instrument in Three Languages. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12, 14988-15006.
2010 bis 2014
- Martiny, S. E., & Kessler, T. (2014). Managing one’s social identity: Successful and unsuccessful identity management. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 748-757.
- Kessler, T., Harth, N. S., & Nägler, L. (2014). Prejudice and extremism: Explanations based on ingroup projection, perspective divergence, and minimal standards. Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, 9, 427-434.
- Reese, G., Steffens, M. C., & Jonas, K. J. (2014). Religious affiliation and attitudes towards Gay men: On the mediating role of masculinity threat. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 24, 340-355.
- Reese, G. & Lauenstein, O. (2014). The Eurozone Crisis: Psychological Mechanisms Undermining and Supporting European Solidarity. Social Sciences, 3, 160-171.
- Reese, G., Loew, K., & Steffgen, G. (2014). A towel less: Social Norms enhance pro-environmental behavior in hotels. The Journal of Social Psychology, 150, 97-100.
- Reese, G. & Dietrich, J. (2014). I am therefore I do: Group identification and effort for achievement goals. Social Sciences, 3, 941-947.
- Reese, G., Proch, J., & Cohrs, J. C. (2014). Individual Differences in Responses to Global Inequality. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 14, 217-238. doi: 10.1111/asap.12032
- Zagefka, H., Binder, J., Brown, R., Kessler, T., Mummendey, A., Funke, F., … & Maquil, A. (2014). The relationship between acculturation preferences and prejudice: Longitudinal evidence from majority and minority groups in three European countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44(6), 578-589.
- Gniewosz, B., Noack, P., Kessler, T., & Eckstein, K. (2013). A time to make (and lose) friends: effects of soccer tournaments on German adolescents’ attitudes toward foreigners. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 388-397.
- Harth, N. S., Leach, C. W., & Kessler, T. (2013). Guilt, anger, and pride about in-group environmental behaviour: Different emotions predict distinct intentions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 34, 18-26.
- Reese, G., Loeschinger, D. C., Hamann, K., & Neubert, S. (2013). Sticker in the Box! Object-person distance and descriptive norms as means to reduce waste. Ecopsychology, 5, 146-148.
- Reese, G., Steffens, M.C., & Jonas, K. J. (2013). When black sheep make us think: Information processing and devaluation of in- and out-group deviants. Social Cognition, 31, 482-503.
- Siem, B., von Oettingen, M., Mummendey, A. & Nadler, A. (2013). When status differences are illegitimate, groups’ needs diverge: Testing the needs-based model of reconciliation in contexts of status inequality. European Journal of Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.1929.
- Steffens, N. K., Haslam, S. A., Ryan, M. K., & Kessler, T. (2013). Leader performance and prototypicality: Their inter‐relationship and impact on leaders’ identity entrepreneurship. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43(7), 606-613.
- Berthold, A., Mummendey, A., Kessler, T., Luecke, B., & Schubert (2012). When different means bad or merely worse. How minimal and maximal goals affect ingroup projection and outgroup attitudes. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(6), 682-690.
- Cohrs, J. C. & Kessler, T. (2012). Negative stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. In A. Golec de Zavala & A. Cichocka (Eds.), Social psychology of social problems.
- Pensini, P. M. & Caltabiano, N. J. (2012). Collective guilt and attitudes toward recycling: Data from a North Queensland sample. Journal of Tropical Psychology, 2(5), 1-7.
- Pensini, P. M., Slugoski, B. R., & Caltabiano, N. J. (2012). Predictors of environmental behaviour: A comparison of known groups. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 23(5), 536-545.
- Reese, G. (2012). When authoritarians protect the earth – authoritarian submission and pro-environmental beliefs: A pilot study in Germany. Ecopsychology, 4, 232 – 236.
- Reese, G., Berthold, A., & Steffens, M. C. (2012). We are the world – and you are not: Prototypicality for the world community, legitimacy, and responses to global inequality. Political Psychology, 33, 683-700.
- Fritsche, I., Jonas, E. & Kessler, T. (2011). Collective Reactions to Threat: Implications for Intergroup Conflict and for Solving Societal Crises. Social Issues and Policy Review, 5, 101-136.
- Fritsche, I., Cohrs, J. C., Kessler, T. & Bauer, J. (2011). Global warming is breeding social conflict: The subtle impact of climate change threat on authoritarian tendencies. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 1-10.
- Giannakakis, A. E. & Fritsche, I. (2011). Social identities, group norms, and threat: On the malleability of ingroup bias. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,37(1), 82-93.
- Harth, N.S., Hornsey, M.J., & Barlow, F.K. (2011). Emotional Responses to Rejection of Gestures of Intergroup Reconciliation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 815 – 829 [AbstractExternal link]
- Kessler, T. & Fritsche, I. (2011). Ethnocentrism. In D. J. Christie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Martiny, S. E., Kessler, T., & Vignoles, V. L. (2011). Shall I Leave or Shall We Fight? Effects of Threatened Group-Based Self-Esteem on Identity Management Strategies. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 1-17.
- Mazziotta, A., Mummendey, A., & Wright, S. C. (2011). Vicarious intergroup contact effects: Applying social-cognitive theory to intergroup contact research [Special Issue on (in)direct intergroup contact]. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14, 255-274.
- Rakić, T., Steffens, M. C., & Mummendey, A. (2011). Blinded by the accent! The minor role of looks in ethnic categorization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100, 16-29. doi:10.1037/a0021522
- Rakić, T., Steffens, M. C., & Mummendey, A. (2011). When it matters how you pronouce it: The influence of regional accents on job interview outcome. British Journal of Psychology (Special Issue: Person perception 25 years after Bruce & Young (1986)), 102, 868-883.
- Böhm, R., Funke, F., & Harth, N.S. (2010). Same-Race and Same-Gender Voting Preferences and the Role of Perceived Threat in the Democratic Primaries and Caucuses 2008. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP).
- Fritsche, I., Jonas, E., Niesta Kayser, D., & Koranyi, N. (2010). Existential threat and compliance with pro-environmental norms. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30, 67-79.
- Gonzalez, R., Sirlopu, D., & Kessler, T. (2010). Prejudice among Peruvians and Chileans as a function of identity, intergroup contact, acculturation preferences and intergroup emotions. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 803-824.
- Kessler, T., Mummendey, A., Funke, F., Brown, R., Binder, J., Zagefka, H., Leyens, J.-P., Demoulin, S. and Maquil, A. (2010), We all live in Germany but … Ingroup projection, group-based emotions and prejudice against immigrants. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40: 985–997. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.673
- Kessler, T., Neumann, J., Mummendey, A., Berthold, A., Schubert, T., & Waldzus, S. (2010). How do we assign punishment? The impact of minimal and maximal standards on the evaluation of deviants. External linkPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin.External link36 (9), p. 1213-1224.
- Geschke, D., Mummendey, A., Kessler, T., Funke, F. (2010). Majority members’ acculturation goals as predictors and effects of attitudes and behaviours towards migrants. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 489–506.
2005 bis 2009
- Bianchi, M., Machunsky, M., Steffens, M., & Mummendey, A. (2009). Like me or like us: Is ingroup projection just social projection? Experimental Psychology. Vol 56(3), pp. 198-205.[LinkExternal link]
- Binder, J., Zagefka, H., Brown, R., Funke, F., Kessler, T., Mummendey, A., Maquil, A., Demoulin, S., & Leyens, J.P. (2009). Does Contact Reduce Prejudice or Does Prejudice Reduce Contact? A Longitudinal Test of the Contact Hypothesis Amongst Majority and Minority Groups in Three European Countries. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.Vol 96(4), 843-856.[LinkExternal link]
- Cohrs, J. C., & Asbrock, F. (2009). Right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, and prejudice against threatening and competitive ethnic groups.European Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 39 (2), p. 270-289, [AbstractExternal link]
- Dolderer, M., Mummendey, A., & Rothermund, K. (2009). And Yet They Move: The Impact of Direction of Deviance on Stereotype Change. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35(10), p. 1368-81.[AbstractExternal link]
- Fritsche, I., Kessler, T., Mummendey, A., & Neumann, J. (2009). Minimal and maximal goal orientation and reactions to norm violations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, p. 3-21. [AbstractExternal link]
- Fritsche, I., Koranyi, N., Beyer, C., Jonas, E., & Fleischmann, B. (2009). Enemies welcome: Personal threat and reactions to outgroup doves and hawks. International Review of Social Psychology, 22, 157-179.
- Fritsche, I. & Schubert, T. W. (2009). Go to hell! Determinants of
motivated social exclusion. In S. Otten, T. Kessler, & K. Sassenberg
(Eds.), /Intergroup relations: The role of motivation and emotion/ (pp.
221-239). New York: Psychology Press. - Fritsche, I., & Fischer, P. (2009). Terroristische Bedrohung und soziale
Intoleranz. In A. Beelmann & K. J. Jonas (Eds.), /Diskriminierung und
Toleranz: Psychologische Grundlagen und Anwendungsperspektiven/ (pp.
303-318). Weinheim: Beltz. - Gleibs, I. H., Noack, P. and Mummendey, A. (2010), We are still better than them: A longitudinal field study of ingroup favouritism during a merger. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40: 819–836. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.652External link
- Jugert, P., & Duckitt, J. (2009). A motivational model of authoritarianism: Integrating personal and situational determinants. Political Psychology , 30, 693-719. [AbstractExternal link]
- Kessler, T. & Harth, N.S. (2009). Change in intergroup relations: Psychological processes accompanying, determining, and determined by social change. In S. Otten, T. Kessler, & K. Sassenberg (eds., pp. 243-262), Intergroup relations: The role of motivation and emotion. New York: Psychology Press.
- Machunsky, M., Meiser, T., & Mummendey, A. (2009). On the crucial role of the mental ingroup representation for ingroup bias and the ingroup prototypicality-ingroup bias link. Experimental Psychology.Vol 56(3), pp. 156-164.[LinkExternal link]
- Stroebe, K.E., Ellemers, N., Barreto, M., & Mummendey, A. (2009) For better or for worse: The congruence of personal and group outcomes on targets’ reponses to discrimination. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 576-591.
- Cohrs, J. C., & Boehnke, K. (2008). Social psychology and peace: An introductory overview. Social Psychology, 39, 4-11. [AbstractExternal link]
- Cohrs, J. C., & Boehnke, K. (Eds.) (2008). Social psychology and peace [special issue]. Social Psychology, 39 (1). [LinkExternal link]
- Fritsche, I., Jonas, E., & Fankhänel, T. (2008). The role of control
motivation in mortality salience effects on ingroup support and defense. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 524-541. [AbstractExternal link] - Fritsche, I. (2008). Experimente in der Umweltpsychologie. [Laboratory and field research methods in environmental psychology] In E. D. Lantermann & V. Linneweber (Eds.), /Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Band C/IX/1, Grundlagen, Paradigmen und Methoden der Umweltpsychologie/.[Encyclopedia of Psychology. Volume C/IX/1, Foundations, paradigms, and methods of environmental psychology] (pp. 839-866). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Fritsche, I., & Kessler, T. (2008). Die Theorie des realistischen Gruppenkonflikts. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Eds), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung: Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (pp. 214-222). Weinheim: Beltz. [LinkExternal link]
- Giessner, S. R., & Mummendey, A. (2008). United we win, divided we fail? Effects of cognitive merger representations and performance feedback on merging groups.European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 412-435. [AbstractExternal link]
- Gleibs, I., Mummendey, A., & Noack, P. (2008). Predictors of changes in post-merger identification during a merger process: A longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.Vol 95(5), pp. 1095-1112 [AbstractExternal link]
- Hansen, N., & Sassenberg, K. (2008). Reaktionen auf soziale Diskriminierung. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Eds), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung: Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (pp. 259-267). Weinheim: Beltz. [LinkExternal link]
- Harth, N. S., Kessler, T., & Leach, C. W. (2008). Advantaged group’s emotional reactions to intergroup inequality: The dynamics of pride, guilt, and sympathy.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 155-129. [AbstractExternal link]
- Henseler, A.-K., & Cohrs, J. C. (2008). Wie friedfertig sind die Frommen? Christliche Religiosität und militaristische Einstellungen. Wissenschaft und Frieden, 26 (3), 6-9.
- Jonas, E., Martens, A., Niesta Kaiser, D., Fritsche, I., Sullivan, D. & Greenberg, J. (2008). Focus theory of normative conduct and terror management theory: The interactive impact of mortality salience and norm salience on social judgment.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 1239-1251. [AbstractExternal link]
- Jonas, K. J., & Huguet, P. (2008). What day is today? A social- psychological investigation into the process of time orientation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 353-365. [AbstractExternal link]
- Jonas, K. J., & Mummendey, A. (2008). Positive intergroup relations: From reduced outgroup derogation to outgroup support. In U. Wagner, L. R. Tropp, G. Finchiilescu & C. Tredoux (Eds.). Improving intergroup relations: Building on the legacy of Thomas F. Pettigrew. Oxford: Blackwell. [LinkExternal link]
- Kessler, T., & Cohrs, J. C. (2008). The evolution of authoritarian processes: Fostering cooperation in large-scale groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 12, 73-84. [AbstractExternal link]
- Kessler, T., & Harth, N. S. (2008). Die Theorie relativer Deprivation. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Eds), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung: Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (pp. 249-258). Weinheim: Beltz. [LinkExternal link]
- Kessler, T., & Mummendey, A. (2008). Prejudice and intergroup relations. In M. Hewstone, W. Stroebe & K. Jonas (Eds.), Introduction to social psychology: A European perspective (4th ed., pp. 290-314). Malden, MA: Blackwell. [LinkExternal link]
- Linneweber, V., Fritsche, I., & Hartmuth, G. (2008). Fallstudie Sylt
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- Meiser, T. (2000). Gedächtnisvorteil ausgeführter Handlungen: Anmerkungen zur multimodalen Gedächtnistheorie. [Memory advantage of subject performed actions: Comments on the multimodal theory of memory.] Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie, 47, 1-12. [AbstractExternal link]
- Mummendey, A. & Kessler, T. (2000). Deutsch-deutsche Fusion und soziale Identität: Sozialpsychologische Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Ost- zu Westdeutschen. In H. Esser (Ed.), Sozialer und politischer Wandel im Zuge der Integration der DDR-Gesellschaft (pp. 277-307). Westdeutscher Verlag.
- Mummendey, A., Otten, S., Berger, U., & Kessler, T. (2000). Positive-negative asymmetry in social discrimination: Valence of evaluation and salience of categorization. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 1258-1270. [AbstractExternal link]
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vor 2000
- Kessler, T., Mummendey, A., & Klink, A. (1999). Soziale Identität und relative Deprivation: Determinanten individuellen und kollektiven Verhaltens in Ostdeutschland nach der Vereinigung [Social identity and relative deprivation - Determinants of individual and collective behavior in Eastern Germany after the renification]. In M. Schmitt & L. Montada ( Hrsg.). Gerechtigkeitserleben und Befindlichkeit im wiedervereinigten Deutschland (S. 213-262). Opladen: Leske & Budrich. [LinkExternal link]
- Lohaus, A. Schumann-Hengsteler, R., & Kessler, T. (1999). Räumliches Denken im Kindesalter. [Spatial reasoning in childhood.) Göttingen: Hogrefe. [LinkExternal link]
- Meiser, T., & Klauer, K. C. (1999). Working memory and changing-state hypothesis.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 25, 1272-1299. [AbstractExternal link]
- Mummendey, A., Kessler, T., Klink, A., & Mielke, R. (1999). Strategies to cope with negative social identity: Predictions by Social Identity Theory and Relative Deprivation Theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 229-245. [AbstractExternal link]
- Mummendey, A., Klink, A., Mielke, R., Wenzel, M., & Blanz, M. (1999). Socio-structural characteristics of intergroup relations and identity management strategies: Results from a field study in East Germany. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 259-285. [AbstractExternal link]
- Mummendey, A., & Wenzel, M. (1999). Social discrimination and tolerance in intergroup relations: Reactions to intergroup difference. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 3, 158-174. [AbstractExternal link]
- Otten, S., & Mummendey, A. (1999). Aggressive Interaktionen und soziale Diskriminierung: Zum Einfluß perspektiven- und kontextspezifischer Legitimationsprozesse [Aggressive interactions and social discrimination: The impact of perspective-specific and context-specific legitimization]. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 30, 126-138. [AbstractExternal link]
- Otten, S., & Mummendey, A. (1999). To our benefit or at your expense? Justice considerations in intergroup allocations of positive and negative resources. Social Justice Research, 12, 19-38. [AbstractExternal link]
- Otten, S., & Wentura, D. (1999). About the impact of automaticity in the Minimal Group Paradigm. Evidence from an affective priming task. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 1049-1071. [AbstractExternal link]
- Hofer, M., & Sassenberg, K., & Pikowski, B. (1999). Symmetries and asymmetries in adolescent daughters’ disputes with mothers. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 23,1001-1024. [AbstractExternal link]
- Sassenberg, K., & Kreutz, S. (1999). Online Research und Anonymität [Online research and anonymity]. In B. Batinic, A. Werner , L. Gräf & W. Bandilla (Hrsg.)Online Research: Methoden, Anwendungen und Ergebnisse (S. 61-75). Göttingen: Hogrefe. [LinkExternal link]
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- Thomas, H., Lohaus, A., & Kessler, T. (1999). Stability and change in longitudinal water-level task performance. Developmental Psychology, 35, 1024-1037. [AbstractExternal link]
- Blanz, M., Mummendey, A., Mielke, R., & Klink, A. (1998). Responding to negative social identity: A taxonomy of identity management strategies. European Journal of Social Psychology, 28, 697-729. [AbstractExternal link]
- Blanz, M., Mummendey, A., Mielke, R., & Klink, A. (1998). Wechselseitige Differenzierung zwischen sozialen Gruppen: Ein Vorhersagemodell der Theorie der sozialen Identität [Mutual differentiation between social groups: A predicitive model from social identity theory]. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 29, 239-259. [AbstractExternal link]
- Klink, A., Mummendey, A., & Mielke, R. (1998). Stability and change in intergroup relations: A longitudinal field study in East Germany. In M. Martini (Ed.), Ethnic and national consciousness in Europe (p. 93-108). Firenze: Angelo Pontecorboli Editore. [LinkExternal link]
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- Mummendey, A., & Otten, S. (1998) Positive -negative- asymmetry in social discriminiation. In W. Stroebe & M. Hewstone (eds.), European Review of Social Psychology, 9 (pp. 107-143), Chichester, UK: Wiley. [LinkExternal link]
- Otten, S., Mummendey, A., & Buhl, T. (1998). Accuracy in information processing and the positive-negative asymmetry in social discrimination. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 11, 69-96. [AbstractExternal link]
- Hofer, M., & Sassenberg, K., (1998). Relationship and family discourse in different situations. In M. Hofer, J. Youniss & P. Noack (eds.), Verbal interaction and development in families with adolescents (pp. 49-64). Greenwich, CT: Ablex. [LinkExternal link]
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- Blanz, M., Mummendey, A., & Otten, S. (1997). Normative evaluations and frequency expectations regarding positive versus negative outcome allocations between groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 165-176. [AbstractExternal link]
- Buhl, T. (1997). Positive-negative asymmetry in social discrimination. Meta-analytical evidence. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 2, 51-58. [AbstractExternal link]
- Meiser, T., & Rudinger, G. (1997). Modeling stability and regularity of change: Latent structure analysis of longitudinal discrete data. In J. Rost & R. Langeheine (Eds.), Applications of latent trait and latent class models in the social sciences (pp. 389-397). Münster, FRG: Waxmann. [LinkExternal link]
- Meiser, T., von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (1997). Loglinear symmetry and quasi-symmetry models for the analysis of change. Biometrical Journal, 39, 351-368. [AbstractExternal link]
- Mummendey, A., & Simon, B. (1997). Nationale Identifikation und die Abwertung von Fremdgruppen [National identification and devaluation of groups of foreigners]. In: A. Mummendey & B. Simon (Hrsg.), Identität und Verschiedenheit. Zur Sozialpsychologie der Identität in komplexen Gesellschaften. (S. 175-193). Bern: Huber. [LinkExternal link]
- Mummendey, A., & Simon, B.(1997). Identität und Verschiedenheit. Zur Sozialpsychologie der Identität in komplexen Gesellschaften [Identity and difference: The social psychology of identity in complex societies]. Bern: Huber. [LinkExternal link]
- Simon, B., & Mummendey, A. (1997) Selbst, Identität und Gruppe: Eine sozialpsychologische Analyse des Verhältnisses von Individuum und Gruppe [Self, identity and group: A social psychology analysis of the relation between person and group]. In: A. Mummendey & B. Simon (Hrsg.), Identität und Verschiedenheit. Zur Sozialpsychologie der Identität in komplexen Gesellschaften. (S.11-38). Bern: Huber. [LinkExternal link]